Friday, December 28, 2007
A Letter From "FedEx Watch" To FedEx Employees
The Teamsters want to see the drivers properly classified and FedEx adhere to the law like other employers. Drivers who want to join the Teamsters must first win the legal argument at the NLRB that they are illegally labeled 'contractors' but should have the rights of employees like the right to unionize. This is not something created by the Teamsters. And as the NLRB has ruled in the drivers' favor, this position is also not a real debate any more.
The core issue is that drivers want to be truly independent or they want the rights and protections that all employees are entitled to and and have earned. Since FedEx has proved repeatedly they will not grant drivers more than token independence, then the just fight is for drivers to take back their rights. Reclaim their rights through the courts, through the NLRB, through the state and federal tax procedures. By any legal means necessary.
So to the drivers who are fighting and winning, the Teamsters salute you. Your fight in 2007 made great strides closer to a just outcome.
The Home Delivery drivers in Wilmington, MA and Hartford, CT secured their rights to join the Teamsters at the NLRB.
The drivers in the national class action lawsuit got the first of a series of class certification orders from a federal judge.
The drivers in the California class action lawsuit won their case.
The drivers in Massachusetts who filed complaints with the Attorney General caused an investigation, citations and orders to be treated as employees.
The drivers who filed SS-8 Forms with the IRS got the feds to audit FedEx and the audit found that FedEx was illegally not paying proper taxes.
As individual headlines, these are each big news. Taken together, they show the world that FedEx isn't getting away with the Big Lie.
The lawyers are watching. The accountants are watching. The analysts are watching. The hr managers are watching. The competition is watching. The activist community is watching. Wall Street is watching.
The issue of misclassification and the fight for justice by Ground and Home Delivery drivers was once something FedEx dismissed as coming from a small group of malcontents and failures.
But the drivers have done what they felt was right and fair and the drivers are succeeding. Who are the failures now?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sure FedEx will match 50 cent to the dollar that you put in and that’s only up to 6% of your earnings, but the matching is only going to cover the taxes for your benefit at the end of your time of employment at age 65, meaning no less of your exact age.
Meaning you paid for your retirement, because the matching from FedEx is tax deductible for FedEx Corporation and they don’t loose anything!
Let me give you my example of my contribution, per week, they deduct $ 78.80 per weeks X 4 weeks = $314.40 X 12 months = $3772.80 per year, plus FedEx matches $1886.40 which equals to a total of $5659.20 per year.
Now under a Teamsters contract, we could negotiate a $5.00 per hr, meaning for every hour you work you’ll get $5.00 per hour, here is an example: you work 40hrs =$200.00 per week now times it by 4 weeks =$800 per month and times it 12 months =$9600.00 going into the Western conference pension funds.
Not Vanguard, who is totally control by our one and only FedEx Corporation!
Joe Nuno
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
General President Hoffa Mentions FedEx in Holiday Greetings ...
As we enjoy the holiday season and the countdown to 2008, our union has much to be proud of. We accomplished several significant goals this year and we have many worthy challenges on our horizon.
Read full letter; Holiday Greetings
Change FedEx to Win
Would like to wish you and your families all the best for the holidays and a prosperous
New Year!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Freight 'Two-Man' Meeting Scheduled January 8
December 14, 2007
Representatives from local unions that represent freight Teamsters will meet Tuesday, January 8 in Washington, D.C. to review and approve the tentative National Master Freight Agreement (NMFA) that was reached this week with TMI/YRC Worldwide.
Before members review the contract, the January 8 “two-man” meeting must take place first. After the January 8 meeting, local unions are being asked to hold membership meetings during the weekend of January 11-13. Members will get a chance to review the contract during the membership meetings. Then, members will be sent ballots a short time later.
The tentative agreement contains good wage increases and protects members’ jobs and their health, welfare and pension benefits, said Tyson Johnson, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division and lead negotiator.
TMI, Trucking Management, Inc., is the primary multi-employer bargaining arm of the unionized freight trucking industry. The subsidiaries include Yellow Transportation, Roadway Express, USF Holland and New Penn.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
1 in 3 teens won't have 401(k) funds
WASHINGTON -- Teenagers flipping burgers, stocking shelves or studying for finals don't think about their retirement. The government does, however, and the prognosis isn't good.
More than one out of every three American workers born in 1990 will have zero dollars in a 401(k)-style plan at retirement, a government report said Tuesday, an ominous sign considering many businesses are dumping pension plans.
The Government Accountability Office report "makes it especially clear precisely how important it is to make sure every American worker has the opportunity to save for their retirement," said David John, a retirement expert at The Heritage Foundation.
The GAO report estimated 36.8 percent of today's 17-year-olds will have no money in a 401(k) or similar plan when they retire. The numbers will be worse for low-income workers: 63 percent of them will have zero dollars in a 401(k)-type account when it comes time for them to retire.
With the reduction of pension plans and the uncertainty of Social Security, that number means millions of Americans will face rough going when it comes time for today's teenagers to retire, lawmakers said.
"Today's workers will more likely struggle to make ends meet during retirement than previous generations," said Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., who is chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee.
Part of the problem is because people withdraw part or all of their retirement savings, the GAO said, and they don't participate in retirement plans when they're offered.
Only 36 percent of workers in 2004 participated in 401(k)s and similar accounts when offered, the most recent data available, according to the report.
Making it automatic is key, John said, because people freeze up when left on their own.
"They know that this is a really important decision and that if they don't make the right choice, they can look back and really regret it when they reach retirement age," John said. "And what they do, like so many of us who are faced with that, they're paralyzed, inertia takes over, they don't do something."
GAO found that automatically enrolling workers in 401(k)s and similar plans would cut the number of those without money in those plans to 17.7 percent. Automatic enrollment would halve the number of low-income workers with zero retirement dollars from 63 percent to 30 percent.
Defined contribution plans are becoming more important to workers. Social Security provides about 40 percent of preretirement income for current retirees but that's projected to fall by the time today's young adults retire.
And the number of pension plans being offered is dropping fast. In 1980, pension-style plans had 38 million participants and 401(k)- style plans had 20 million participants.
By 1994, 401(k)s and other defined-contribution plans included 64.6 million participants, while pension plan and other defined benefit plans included only 41.7 million participants.
Another problem is availability, John said.
The GAO report noted that in 2004, only 62 percent of active workers were offered any kind of retirement plan -- pensions or 401(k) style -- by their employer. John and others advocate an "automatic IRA," which would allow employers to transfer money into an individual retirement arrangement for the 75 million employees who don't have a 401(k) option.
Automatic 401(k) investments mean employees who freeze up on retirement decisions still have some type of plan, John said. "What we've got to do now is take the same sort of thing and apply to the workers who don't work for a company that offers a 401(k)."
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Mr Smith goes to Washington. A Posting From Our Brothers At FedxMx...
I would just like everyone to know that FedEx corp has taken a real liking to our blog. I have traced their ip address back to the emerald empire on hacks cross road(like we didn't expect this).
the language change on the senate bill will keep everyone under the railway act. The senates version takes out the language and the house's version keeps it in. It's not like we did not expect this. Even if it was passed with the language, President Bush would have vetoed it anyway.It is so funny how this company always says change is good yet they standby a law passed in the 1800's
The reason I do not care about this is because the more united we all are the more power we have. Since you are keeping up with us in the Purple Palace let me tell you this! We are coming and the little cookie you tossed our way did not work. You have been trying to divide and conquer us for so long we expected this tactic. I feel you have only brought us more together and have pissed off the other class and crafts you screwed on the last raise. What have we ever done to be treated so bad. I believe that FedEx express employee's worked their butts off to help build this corporation so that you could start FedEx ground, Kinko's and Freight. What is the thanks we get for this effort? Our retirement cut and this cash balance joke put in its place!
Then you hire a VP that reputation precedes him by taking our jobs and farming them out.
We have kept your pilots safe and your company profitable and this is the thanks we get. TEAMSTERS ARE COMING, AND YOU HAVE NO ONE TO THANK BUT YOUR MANAGEMENT TEAM FOR SCREWING US OVER. We where the leaders in aviation maintenance and what do you do? You manage to hire every upper management from every failing airline and bring them to our house and you expect us not to fight for our jobs!
We love this company and we work weekends, nights, holidays, rainy& icy days, in the freezing rain and the scorching days of summer and this is what we get for it. I was the most purple guy you could have ever Hired when this was Federal Express. I remember when you said change is good and we became FedEx. Follow the arrow was the slogan but what you did not do correct was point the arrow down because that's what we have seen our benefits and pay go. But as long as the shareholders and Board get their Dividends and bonus's(it is public information, we are not that dumb as you think)I guess things are going great. Well take a look at how ups takes care of their employees. Why must we pay $260.00 a month plus deductibles($3000.00 per family) and prescriptions while they pay Nothing, zero, Nada? Why must our retiree's pay close to $800.00 a month for medical while ups pays only $50.00? Because being self insured and using cigna to make money off your employees is sad sad sad. I have only scratched the surface. TEAMSTERS ARE COMING YOU CAN REST ASSURE. YOU HAVE THE LAW AND THE RAILWAY ACT IN YOUR FAVOR BUT WE HAVE THE RESOLVE TO BE TREATED FAIR AND EQUAL AND WE EARNED IT.
Keep on checking on us we are not going anywhere but are doing it together!!
tducksoup1 director of communications Memphis core committee
Saturday, December 15, 2007
From X-Man,Southern Regional Manager ...
10/12/2006, 02:38
Question 3-YOUR WRONG-You have 4 chances per year to talk to an Executive or A Regional Director during your employee meeting week.
Could someone from this website ask for Joe to respond to this question? Maybe he's too scared to sit down and really find out the REAL FACTS about our Company and that HE can look forward to a pension--It's not the best...but it's something.
Well X-man we do want the best, it's the Western Conference Pension Fund.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Must Read Infromation ...
We would like to take this time to highlight some of the changes that are going to take effect in the near future here at FedEx Express. All of these changes will affect everyone differently but they are important to your financial future.
Pension Changes-
The pension plan is changing, effective June ’08, from the Traditional Pension Plan to a Portable Pension Account. You have no choice in this matter and this change affects each employee differently and is hard to forecast how this change will affect your retirement security.
Continues on comments:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
United We Stand ... ( doesn't sound communist to me Andy L.)
I want to personally thank everyone who has responded to our posts on the raise and what happened to our brother in lax.
I have never been so proud of everyone for staying on the same page and standing with our fellow brother and sisters in the other class and crafts. I have gotten so many private emails and phone calls and posts on the website confirming that we will not be fooled again and we will all stand together on this till its done.
The company never knew what kind of communications we have when they decided to try and intimidate one of our leaders in lax. The emails went out in one day and the teamsters and their law firm Baptist and Wilder where in communication with the amt.
To make this simple lets call the amt Andy lol. Andy's fellow amt's stood their ground and wrote up affidavits saying what they claim happened (the company) never did happen.
From what I heard from all these people that management was going crazy trying to figure out what the hell was going on, who is this guy they walked out and who caused this. I can only imagine the phone calls and crap hitting the fan. Andy was actually called out on a Sunday to go talk to upper management. You know they love coming out on their Sunday.
The reason Andy is back at work so fast is because all of us stood together and the communication tools have been put in place and we acted as brothers and sisters with one purpose. God I love it and I can't tell you all how proud I am to be associated with the teamsters and all of you. I know now the brotherhood that is formed when you have so many people who stand together and say we are not going to be dealt from the bottom of the deck anymore. We will not be bought out, we already seen what happen's when we did. I
Didn't want this to be a cheerleader type letter but we have come so far in such a short amount of time I see nothing but light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you all again, you make me so proud to be a part of this.
fraternally yours Tducksoup1
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Teamsters Reach Agreements on Nearly All Freight Supplements
December 6, 2007
Teamster negotiators announced today that they have reached tentative agreements on all but one of the freight supplements.
Meanwhile, National Master Freight Agreement (NMFA) talks resumed Wednesday, December 5. Teamster negotiators are reviewing complex proposals submitted by Trucking Management, Inc. (TMI) aimed at dealing with the employers’ declining revenues and market share.
TMI, the primary multi-employer bargaining arm of the unionized freight trucking industry, has introduced the proposals to address the challenges its employers are facing. The employers say they need to develop new services to compete and to stop the erosion of the unionized companies’ market share.
“The Teamsters are studying TMI’s proposals—these are very complex issues,” said Tyson Johnson, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division who is Co-Chairman of the union’s National Negotiating Committee. “We are developing responses to the employers’ proposals. Our goal remains to make sure our members’ interests are protected. That means securing our members’ jobs and excellent benefits.”
The union and TMI are also involved in intense negotiations to resolve the issue of forced overtime, a key concern of members.
Meanwhile, after meeting daily since early October, union negotiators reached tentative agreements on all supplements this week.
“We have maintained and improved working conditions in the supplements,” Johnson said. “Making progress on the supplements has given us strong momentum as we resume national contract talks today. We are making significant progress toward reaching an agreement on the master contract sometime this month.”
About two-thirds of the shippers typically sign contracts by the end of the year to determine who their carriers will be for the following service period.
Johnson has asked all National Negotiating Committee members to prepare to negotiate over the next two weeks to work on the national contract.
“I appreciate our members’ support up to this point, and we will need more support as we make our final push during the next two weeks,” Johnson said.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
tducksoup1 said...
Joe you have posted some very wise and excellent information on our site and I will pass this on to our fellow amt's. We can use our communication's to help contact and support each others efforts. thanks again for your hard work. tducksoup1 aka Tom Perusi director of communications Memphis core committee
Sunday, December 2, 2007
209 FedEx Ground Drivers to Receive Share of $11 Million Settlement
(202) 624-6911
November 30, 2007
(Washington, D.C.) – Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa commended the California Supreme Court for denying FedEx Corp.’s (NYSE: FDX) final appeal of lower court rulings determining that FedEx Ground’s independent contractors are direct employees.
“Thanks to the California Supreme Court, FedEx is going to have to compensate these drivers for exploiting them for so many years under its bogus independent contractor model,” said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. “FedEx’s illegal model has been exposed and drivers across the country are standing up for their rights and proper compensation.”
In August, the California Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that the drivers are employees and not independent contractors. FedEx, in an attempt to limit future liabilities, responded in California by firing the drivers who were affected by the court decisions.
The 209 workers will receive a share of more than $11 million in repayments for expenses related to gas and insurance directly related to the execution of their jobs.
In addition to the California case, 150 FedEx Ground workers in South Bend, Indiana, are also challenging the company classifying them as independent contractors. A federal judge certified the class-action lawsuit in October that claims the company denied the drivers benefits and proper wages.
“It’s game over for FedEx and its independent contractor scam,” Hoffa said.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters represents 1.4 million hardworking men and women throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
FedEx WatchDogs
Redeye said...
Personally I think it is wonderful that Fred W Smith is now a billionaire on the Forbes list. I think it is wonderful that his "salary" is 4.42 Million a year.
I think it is even more wonderful that FDX makes over 31 billion $/year in revenues and a 1.6 billion $/year clear profit!
I think it would be even more wonderful if senior MGT realized that the Pilots play a major part in this profit. (I am not suggesting that the 140,000 other employees don't play an important part of the cog in that wheel.......they surely do, and IMHO they deserve a piece of that pie too......but they have no collective voice and that is their concern).
Pilots here need to realize that we make this company a ton of money and MGT darn well knows it.............but they do like like to admit public anyway!
If you attended the Rally last Sunday, your heard our Negotiating Committee Chair say that we were "100 million dollars a part on the deal". To you and me 100 million is a substantial FDX corp it is Chump change.
Remember that approx 2 months ago at the annual Stock holders meeting (where we picketed) it was announced that FDX was paying out $350 million in bonuses to just 18 Corporate execs........350 million to 18 folks!!!........who by the way are already very highly compensated. In the mean time those same execs are raising Healthcare costs and reducing retirement benefits for the employees here at FDX.
That 350 million would have bridged the gap between our negotiating committee and the company negotiaters.......................
Let's see MGT could have sealed a 4-5 year deal with the 4700 plus pilots or give a 350 million bonus to 18 very highly compensated corp execs..........
(actually they can more than afford to do both)
Pilots........wake up and smell the coffee................This company is making big bucks!
They can afford to pay the very reasonable and responsible offer that ALPA currently has on the table!
Remember that 10 years ago (during our negotiations for our first contract) back when the Airlines were making record profits.........and our Union (ALPA #1 and subsequently the FPA) were trying to get our wages raised up near to but not equal to what all the others were making. Remember we were making well below what DAL, USAir, UAL and NWA, American.etc........We had no secure retirment........we had no B-fund, we had no OBRA bridge.........and our monthly pay was well below the industry.........unless you worked overtime and sold vacation back!
Management said " You guys are different. You are cargo are not Passenger Airline Pilots"
So what has changed...........we are not in the same industry. True everyone else in the industry has come down to or below our current wages. Now MGT is touting that we make more...........and we haven't even got a deal yet......
Do not be hood winked...............FDX can afford our very reasonable proposal.
Stay the course, do not fall for smoke and mirrors........................................... .... "2 years is too long"
You all know what you need to do!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Members Approve National UPS Agreement
(Washington, D.C.) – The Teamsters National UPS Negotiating Committee has announced that the modifications to the National Master Agreement and all Supplements and Riders have been accepted by a majority of the voting members, with the exception of the Local 804 Supplement, the Central and Western Pennsylvania Supplements, the Local 926 Carwash Supplement, and the Hawaii Rider.
The National Committee will meet with those Supplemental and Rider Committees to identify and address the concerns of the members.
The National Master agreement was approved by a 65.03% margin. Although it will be several days before the final results will be certified, the preliminary tallies of the National Master and Supplemental/Rider votes are available on the International Union’s website,
Founded in 1903, the Teamsters Union represents more than 240,000 hardworking men and women who work at United Parcel Servic
Thursday, November 22, 2007
JOE NUNO said..
the next five years; just like a Teamster contract.
This pass weekend I attended an arbitration class and the
instructor was an arbitrator. I ask some questions
regarding top CEO’s and top managements having labor
contracts; and the teacher said they had to arbitrate
for nonunion high ranking managements violation of
their labor contracts.
So what does this tell us? That they have their set
standards, their demands and no handbooks just a
contract, and when their positions and contracts are
being revised by top CEO’s, The CEO board members
gather up and discuss the demands of a top management
position; and the way the board members agreed on
contract is by voting.
As a future member of the Teamster we ask for a
contract with demands and fairness, a better pension
plan per hour (a Western conference pension plan), a
better medical benefit plan per hour, and medical
So why is it o.k for top management to have labor
contracts and arbitration for disputing their
violations of the contract? And also they have
democracy votes, and the employees does not have any
Rights; without a Teamsters contract we stand alone.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pittsburgh Newspaper Covers Fed Up at FedEx Report - November 05, 2007
One reporter from Pittsburgh was tuned in to the release of the American Rights at Work and Leadership Conference on Civil Rights report "Fed Up at FedEx: How FedEx Ground Tramples Workers' Rights and Civil Rights."
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed an article on Sunday . The reporter did a good job to cover many angles of the story.
And what clever response did the FedEx spokespodperson have?
FedEx did not return phone calls seeking comment for this article.
Seeing how FedEx is always blowing its own horn, the silence seems out of character.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
FedEx Pays $253,000 to Former Drivers to Settle Labor Charges
Contact: Galen Munroe,
(202) 624-6911
November 6, 2007
(Washington, DC) – FedEx Corporation [NYSE: FDX] subsidiary FedEx Home Delivery has agreed to pay five former and present drivers a total of $253,000 to settle a series of unfair labor charges brought by the National Labor Relations Board against the company.
The five drivers–four former and one present driver–all worked in the Northboro, Massachusetts Home Delivery terminal and were union supporters in a unionization drive in 2005 and 2006 by Teamsters Local 170. The NLRB also ordered an election in Northboro for February 2008.
“FedEx has delayed this process long enough and the Northboro drivers will get their right to vote,” said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. “I’m outraged at FedEx’s treatment of these workers. This small amount of compensation is not enough to undo the damage that FedEx has done to their lives.”
The unionization effort centered on the employee status of the drivers in the Northboro facility. The drivers gave sworn testimony to the NLRB that FedEx Home Delivery controlled their daily work like employees but called them “independent contractors.”
The NLRB ruled that the drivers were employees and ordered an election that was to take place in January 2006. FedEx Home Delivery then illegally harassed, intimidated terminated the four former drivers to prevent a legal union election. The NLRB charged FedEx in a June 2007 consolidated complaint with numerous unfair labor practice charges for the illegal acts. The October 25 settlement between the drivers the company came out of the NLRB charges.
“We backed the company right against the wall because we stood up to management and had all the answers when it came to their anti-union meetings," said driver Richard Lacina. "FedEx paid me thousands of dollars because they violated my rights and I am still employed as a driver. This shows everybody the power of the Teamsters Union and what it can do for you.”
Teamsters Local 170 and the company also agreed to schedule an election at the Northboro facility as a result of NLRB charges. The election is to occur on February 1, 2008.
“The Teamsters have stuck by these workers and the five drivers at least got some degree of justice,” said Teamsters Local 170 Secretary-Treasurer Mike Hogan. “The Northboro drivers have seen the worst that FedEx can throw at them, and in the end the workers will have their vote to take control of their lives and their future.”
FedEx Home Delivery drivers at three facilities in Wilmington, Massachusetts and Windsor, Connecticut already voted for Teamster representation in 2006 and 2007. FedEx ignored NLRB orders to bargain and appealed previous NLRB rulings to the U.S. Court of Appeal District of Columbia Circuit.
A recent report by American Rights at Work and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights document the anti-union campaign and patterns of discrimination at FedEx Ground and Home Delivery in Northboro and elsewhere. That report is online at:
Friday, November 9, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Union Buster Information, for Management And Employees
FedEx hires this high paid lawyers or union avoidance consultant, they are granted full power to run the company and they are management’s bosses also, now that, is a 3rd party in anyone’s eye.
They use terminal managers, operation managers, supervisors to do their dirty work; they tell management if the Teamsters win the election, they are in the line of losing their job! That is a lie, not only are employees threaten for organizing in a Teamster union drive, but also managers, if there are any managers in this position, contact the (National Labor Relations Board) and find out if this is legal?
Now if a manager is terminated because of employees organizing for Teamster power, will the union buster help the manager get their job back? No!
Now if the employee participates in a union drive and is terminated, will the Teamsters fight for the employee’s rights? Yes!
Don’t let a union buster take your rights as managers or as an employee!!
We as an employee are only fighting for our rights, for a better pension and retired medical benefits, a better wage raise equal to the economy cost of living of 7% not 3%
and when it comes to changing employee pension status or bonuses, let us have a say so first! Not just the CEOs ways!
And let us create a Teamster contract, for equal rights and fairness, by putting our concerns in writing. It will make us a better company over all, between management and employees.
Don’t Be Left Behind.
For More Good Information Click Here!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Attention Greg Faith Of FedEx Freight Svc Ctr Whittier ...
Greg, before you give a anti-union meeting at Whittier for your drivers, that UPS would not get a contract, get your facts straight. Not only did UPS Freight get there first Union contract ever, 107 Yes - 1 No.
The UPS Teamsters have a new Winning Contract that the members will be voting on soon!
Maybe you should stop listening to the Union busters and educate yourself.
Read Contract Highlights:
Monday, October 29, 2007
FedxMx Blitz At LAX ...
One thing I have to say that it is coming! Seeing the mother company joining the Teamsters is seeing a secured future, and it would not be a surprise if Memphis voted the Teamsters first.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
National Misclassification Case Gets Class Certification - October 16, 2007
Well, that didn't take long. On Friday, Judge Miller denied the temporary restraining order requesting he prevent FedEx from firing all single-vehicle drivers in California. So perhaps FedEx lawyers thought they had snapped their losing streak.
They were wrong. On Monday, the same Judge Miller decided the multi-district litigation case can go forward as a class action lawsuit for both the state wage and federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act claims. The whole order is online here - the juicy stuff starts on page 22 following the order including the company's expert report.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
JOE NUNO said..
I say lets build concentration camps at FedEx Corporation, and our old glory that hangs on the pole on our yards, which represents FREEDOM!!! For 231 years.
Lets hang swastika flags which represent control, communist, telling workers that they can not speak Spanish or any other language on radios is absurd, why do they ask not to speak any other language, because they have guilt conscience or because they think that Hispanic are organizing in codes? In addition, freezing accrued pensions that were earned; and without our approval, that is more communist control by the corporation.
Changing or deducting money from your accrued v-peps without consulting our approvals, that is a thought control by the company.
Now being a member of the Teamsters and having a joint council, the corporation wouldn’t be able to change anything without the Teamsters and members approval, or having a VOTE!!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Benefits Go Up, Your Wages Go Down ...
FedEx is at it again. I guess their 2.02 Billion dollar proffit last year wasn't enough. Now they want to cut your wages by charging you more for your benifits, co-pays and prescriptions without giving any raises on Jan. 1, 2008. It's just more corporate greed to make more money off their employees. Wake up everyone, it's time to organize! Your yearly raises won't come until June 1, 2008, and that's supposed to be for cost of living, not for paying more for benifits so FedEx can increase their proffits.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Teamsters, FEDXMX Announce OAK, LAX Meetings
Dear Rudy Hernandez,
All OAK FedEx Express Maintenance Job Families
You're invited to a Teamster OPEN HOUSE at Local Union 70 on October 15
This open house will provide you with the opportunity to meet with Teamster representatives and Teamster airline mechanics. Information on the Western Conference Pension Plan will also be provided. We are planning an informative day and look forward to having you join us!
Monday, October 15th
Teamsters Local 70 Union Hall at
DIRECTIONS: Upon leaving the airport you will come to
All LAX FedEx Express Maintenance Job Families
You're Invited to a Teamster OPEN HOUSE on October 27
Another opportunity to meet the Teamster representatives and Teamster airline mechanics. ALPA/FedEx Pilots Chairman David Webb is expected too.
Saturday, October 27th
All day
Embassy Suites Hotel at LAX
If you are interested in representing your station at either the OAK or LAX meetings, send your request to kozmic27 AT yahoo DOT com; please provide your name, job family and station in the email message.
FedEx Aircraft Mechanics Organizing Committee
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Please give us the definition of diversity.
mi amigo
mon ami
mein freund
mijn vriend
meu amigo
мой друг
my friend?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Teamsters Turn Attention To FedEx Freight
After Half-century of struggle, former Overnite workers have their contract. And next the Teamsters are turning our attentions onto FedEx Freight.
Workers at UPS Freight (formerly Overnite Transportation) in Indianapolis overwhelmingly ratified their first contract ever on October 7, by a 107-1 vote. This agreement will improve wages, benefits and working conditions and will serve as a model to organize thousands of other UPS Freight employees nationwide, Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa announced.
"For more than 50 years, workers at UPS Freight's predecessor, Overnite, fought to win a Teamster contract," Hoffa said. "Today the union fulfilled its promise that we would not quit until workers achieved economic justice. Now we will help thousands of other UPS Freight employees win the same protections and guarantees on the job that the Indianapolis workers have. After UPS Freight workers join the Teamster family, we will focus our future organizing efforts at FedEx Freight."
The Teamsters and UPS Freight reached a tentative agreement on September 30. The contract, which covers 125 dockworkers and drivers who belong to Teamsters Local 135 in Indianapolis, also provides employees the protections of a grievance procedure to fight unfair management decisions, something workers have fought hard to achieve.
"This is a historic day," said Ken Hall, Director of the Teamsters Parcel and Small Package Division who was lead negotiator. "Thousands of Overnite workers fought so hard for this day to happen. We won't stop until all UPS Freight workers have the secure future that they deserve by working under a Teamster contract."
"In Indianapolis, we have been fighting to join the Teamsters since the mid-1990s, and it feels great to finally have the backing of the strongest union in North America," said Jesse Nicholson, a road driver and 20-year employee. "We look forward to our brothers and sisters at other company terminals joining us so that they too will have the same security."
Sunday, October 7, 2007
UPS Freight Workers in Indianapolis Ratify Historic, First Ever Contract
Contact: Galen Munroe, (202) 624-6911 |
October 7, 2007
(Indianapolis) -- Workers at UPS Freight (formerly Overnite Transportation) in Indianapolis overwhelmingly ratified their first contract earlier today, by a 107-1 vote. This agreement will improve wages, benefits and working conditions and will serve as a model to organize thousands of other UPS Freight employees nationwide, Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa announced.
Read More At:
Double Standards in Fontana Service Center…
The assistant terminal manager of the service center said there would be an internal investigation into what had happened that day. After a week of investigating, the company has said there was nothing they would do to reprimand the dispatcher. What a surprise!
Let me tell you my fellow Fontana FedEx employees. If circumstances were reversed and you would drop the “F” bomb to any manager the way the dispatcher did to this driver. You would be suspended without pay do to an investigation. In addition, you would be terminated for sexual harassment!
Showdown for California SVCs On October 9 - October 05, 2007
But the big showdown over the mass firing of all single-vehicle contractors in California is the thing on everyone's mind. The lawyers for the California drivers in the national class action lawsuit have filed a motion for a temporary restraining order before the MDL judge - they are asking the court to block the termination letters, the waiver of claims and freeze the Oct. 26 deadline for drivers to make the huge decision to give up their rights and their livelihoods.
Every FedEx Ground and Home Delivery driver should read all these October 2007 documents carefully. FedEx offers no loyalty to any driver who dares fight for his or her rights. Today it is California drivers that are on the chopping block. Tomorrow it could be anyone, anywhere.
If you have not already, register with FedExWatch by entering your email address in the form at the top of this page. The Teamsters want to work with all FedEx drivers and employees to secure their rights.
Original Post On FedEx
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Taking the fight to the union busters
by Shai Sachs, Sun Sep 30, 2007 at 08:18:17 PM EST
This week, In These Times published a fascinating piece on the ugly inner workings of the union busting industry. Assuming the identity of a small New York City business owner, Art Levine went undercover to an anti-union seminar held by Jackson Lewis, an infamous law firm which helps other companies bust unions.
Levine's piece gives us a good look at the early stages of union-busting: a hush-hush seminar which starts out by frightening business owners and managers about the alleged dangers of unionization, and follows up with some basic anti-union legal advice. There's no surprise there; indeed, labor law is replete with loopholes which can be exploited to thwart unionization.
What is surprising is the expense and difficulty which is imposed on the union-buster's client - i.e., the manager or business owner who wishes to avoid unionization. After all, to go to the seminar, Levine had to chip in travel expenses plus a $1,500 entrance fee, as well as two solid days of time. That amounts to a pretty serious cash outlay. What's more, participating in the seminar and doing business with Jackson Lewis don't sound like remotely pleasant activities. The seminar and follow-up free half-hour phone consultation which Levine describes both sound like fairly high-pressure ordeals meant to persuade participants to pay the firm exorbitant fees to solve what may be an imaginary problem. The Jackson Lewis attorneys sound like textbook cases of predatory salespeople.
Read More Click Here
Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreement Covering More Than 230,000 Workers at UPS
Contact: Bret Caldwell, Leigh Strope, (202) 624-6911 |
September 30, 2007
(Chicago) -- The Teamsters Union and UPS have reached a tentative agreement for a new five-year national contract for parcel workers that raises wages and will significantly increase the company's contributions to funds that provide pension and health and welfare benefits to Teamster members, Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa said today.
The agreement was negotiated during the past year, and is reached in advance of an October 1 deadline set by the union to reach an early agreement. The current contract does not expire until July 31, 2008. Upon ratification, most provisions of the new agreement will take effect on August 1, 2008.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Note to Whittier Service Manager And Regional Manager ...
I would like to bring to your attention something about, Cesar Cuevas. He called for a meeting on
FedEx Abandons Single Vehicle Contractor Model in California
Read More At FedEx
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Dues provide the resources to stand up for good jobs and benefits, decent working conditions and a better future for our families.That's why union members in private industry earn 38 percent more on average than than nonunion workers. They also receive 54 percent more in benefits.None of this would be possible without the strength that comes from our Teamsters dues.Management knows the power of Teamsters unity. That's why companies try to distract and deceive you with lies about union dues.Let's look at the truth:
FACT: Teamster Union dues average two-and-one-half times the hourly wage rate. For example, if you make $10 an hour, dues are approximately $25 per month.
FACT: Initiation fees may or may not be charged depending upon the bylaws of the local union.
FACT: Most of our dues stay with the local. Dues fund activities that give workers more power at the bargaining table, in the statehouse and in the community.
FACT: The membership pays union dues to provide for organizing expenses, office equipment, telephones, training and regular administration expenses.
Union dues help pay attorneys to assist in negotiations, grievances and arbitration.Membership dues also support research into companies and industries to gather information for negotiations and organizing. It also pays for accountants to analyze the company’s books.Members receive information about the expenditure of dues money at regular monthly membership meetings. The International Union publishes its annual audited financial statement in the Union magazine, which is sent to every member. Local unions file annual reports with the U.S. Department of Labor.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I am being discriminated at FedEx in
Monday, September 10, 2007
Mexican Trucks Crossing Otay Mesa Border & Meetings in Whittier About Devore Terminal ...
Good reliable sources have reported that they witness FedEx Freight trailers crossing the
The next job you save may be your own!
Also meetings were held on the
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Patrick Kelly On Border Crossing Today, 9-6-07
Secretary Treasurer Patrick D. Kelly
September 2007 Report
Stop Cross Border Trucking! Call or e-mail your U.S. Senators and other Representatives and urge them to defeat this travesty (Senator Barbara Boxer 213-894-5000 and Senator Diane Feinstein 310-914-7300 If you live in Nevada contact Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid at 702-388-5020. Be sure to register to vote and sign-up for DRIVE. This is nothing more than union busting directed at the Teamsters Union, ILWU and ILA. Thank you for your support of our Executive Board and our Local Union.
Organizing Meeting ...
Local 63
323 Valley blvd. Rialto, Ca.
At 10:00 am
Everyone is invited to attend. Come and get
educated on what the Teamsters have to
offer and ask questions that you would liked
Monday, September 3, 2007
A Brief History of Labor Day
The origins of Labor Day are more than a century old.
The first Labor Day parade in New York City was held in September 1982. Two men are credited with playing an important role not only in bringing about the parade but the holiday as well. Matthew Maguire, a machinist from Paterson, N.J., and Peter J. McGuire, a New York City carpenter who helped found the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, are said to have suggested a holiday to honor working people in the United States. In 1887, Oregon became the first state to make Labor Day a legal holiday, and in 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed a bill making Labor Day a national holiday.
How unions help all workers
by Lawrence Mishel and Matthew Walters
Unions have a substantial impact on the compensation and work lives of both unionized and non-unionized workers. This report presents current data on unions' effect on wages, fringe benefits, total compensation, pay inequality, and workplace protections.
Some of the conclusions are:
• Unions raise wages of unionized workers by roughly 20% and raise compensation, including both wages and benefits, by about 28%.
• Unions reduce wage inequality because they raise wages more for low- and middle-wage workers than for higher-wage workers, more for blue-collar than for white-collar workers, and more for workers who do not have a college degree.
• Strong unions set a pay standard that nonunion employers follow. For example, a high school graduate whose workplace is not unionized but whose industry is 25% unionized is paid 5% more than similar workers in less unionized industries.
• The impact of unions on total nonunion wages is almost as large as the impact on total union wages.
• The most sweeping advantage for unionized workers is in fringe benefits. Unionized workers are more likely than their nonunionized counterparts to receive paid leave, are approximately 18% to 28% more likely to have employer-provided health insurance, and are 23% to 54% more likely to be in employer-provided pension plans.
• Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than nonunionized workers. They also pay 18% lower health care deductibles and a smaller share of the costs for family coverage. In retirement, unionized workers are 24% more likely to be covered by health insurance paid for by their employer.
• Unionized workers receive better pension plans. Not only are they more likely to have a guaranteed benefit in retirement, their employers contribute 28% more toward pensions.
• Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave (vacations and holidays).
Unions play a pivotal role both in securing legislated labor protections and rights such as safety and health, overtime, and family/medical leave and in enforcing those rights on the job. Because unionized workers are more informed, they are more likely to benefit from social insurance programs such as unemployment insurance and workers compensation. Unions are thus an intermediary institution that provides a necessary complement to legislated benefits and protections.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Examples of Employer Conduct Which Violate the NLRA Are:
- Threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for a union or engage in protected concerted activity.
- Threatening to close the plant if employees select a union to represent them.
- Questioning employees about their union sympathies or activities in circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under the Act.
- Promising benefits to employees to discourage their union support.
- Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more difficult work tasks, or otherwise punishing employees because they engaged in union or protected concerted activity.
- Transferring, laying off, terminating, assigning employees more difficult work tasks, or otherwise punishing employees because they filed unfair labor practice charges or participated in an investigation conducted by NLRB.
- Forming, or attempting to form, a union among the employees of your employer.
- Joining a union whether the union is recognized by your employer or not.
- Assisting a union in organizing your fellow employees.
- Engaging in protected concerted activities. Generally, "protected concerted activity" is group activity which seeks to modify wages or working conditions.
- Refusing to do any or all of these things. However, the union and employer, in a State where such agreements are permitted, may enter into a lawful union-security clause requiring employees to pay union dues and fees.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Whittier Service Center Managers Are At It Again !
Well my fellow employees, seems that the managers at the
Under the National Relation Labor Board, Sec 8(a) (1):
*Threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they should join a union or vote for a union
* Spying on Union gatherings, or pretending on spy
Also section 7.
These managers are not above the law. There are charges filed against many divisions of the FedEx Company right now! Just read the Post just below this one.
If you want to file a claim contact the National Relations Labor Board, or call:
The Law Offices
Levy, Stern and Ford
(213) 380-3140
Or contact us at the email address at the bottom of this blog.
Monday, August 13, 2007
FedEx drivers who want full-time status file federal lawsuit
and David Mildenberg
Bloomberg News
Rountree/Bloomberg News)

The court is weighing suits filed by 150 independent contract drivers who say they are treated as full-time employees and should be paid as such. Limiting the FedEx ground-delivery unit's use of contractors may wreck its chances of gaining on larger rival UPS. The unit helped FedEx take as much as 19 percent of the ground-delivery market, while UPS has fallen from 82 percent to 70 percent in the past decade.
* for more on this article read comments:
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Summary of Reddaway Contract
§ Participation under Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust Fund: Immediate vesting, and you are entitled to two years of credit for every year of employment, up to a limit of 10 years. After working 5 years, your pension benefits would add up as if you had been in the plan for 15 years.
§ Representation and grievance process; you are no longer an “at-will” employee. USF Reddaway management can make no unilateral changes to your working conditions. Work rules are subject to negotiation. Protection against loss of bargaining unit work through sub-contracting.
§ Vacation paid at 1/52
§ Improved health insurance benefits
§ Paid jury duty (5 days)
§ Senioriy prevails for bids, vacation, etc. No more favoritism.
§ Orderly and fair process for workers to become full-time employees
§ Workers at non-union terminals will not receive superior wages or benefits.
§ Initiation fee is waived for those employed prior to execution of contract. No dues paid until contract executed
§ Workers in approximately 50 other terminals in western U.S. are eligible for representation under contract as soon as it is ratified at recognized terminals. Card check recognition for new terminals.
* This is a sample of what a contract can get us if we all unite together.
Reddaway Blogsite
Monday, August 6, 2007
Pomona and Compton 86 Yes - 4 No ( combined) , Local 63
New Mexico 17 Yes - 0 No , Local 492
Phoenix 64 Yes - 1 No , Local 104
Total 213 Yes - 13 No.
** When details have been released on this contract look to this blogsite.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Teamsters and MEM Mechanics Announce Meeting
For More Information Click Comments:
Original Post On
My uncle at usf reddaway said the new teamsters contract will allow part time workers to become full time workers, with a top pay of $ 22.18 an hour, one other thing at Fedex looking at the old time dock workers they have fringe benefits, and especially Fedex wanna be supervisor also have fringe benefits, who could care less about part time workers, also I am considering in joining those workers at FedEx who display the "union yes" sign on their car out side the parking lot, hopefully I will meet one of you guys and obtain a sign for my car.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Fedex Freight announced its revamping of the VPEP.The Company said that they would be withholding 20% from hourly employees and 50% from salary employees from your bonus checks. Then distribute the withholdings the following fiscal year. Most likely, when you get that incentive money back, it will be taxed, they get it pre-taxed. In addition, do not forget your 401K contribution!
What happens to that 20% -50% that whole year?
July 23, 2007
FedEx Corp announces that it will trim fuel surcharges today by 25% on cargo carried by its FedEx Freight divisions to lure business. Seems that FredEx is supplementing the fuel surcharges most likely from YOUR VPEP,from YOUR INCENTIVE BONUS’. Instead of charging the customers. Better Yet! Did Fred Smith get a percentage taken away from him? I do not think so! It could be that his “CONTRACT” would not allow this!
The Teamsters have a package of services called “The Teamster Privilege”. That extends above the benefits negotiated with your employer under your Teamster contract. These benefits are available to you and your family as long as you are a union member.
TeamStar Legal Service benefits include
• No enrollment charge or annual fee
• Free consultations of up to 30 mins.- in person or over the phone
• Free document explanation and review
• Free follow-up letter or phone call
• 30% off most other services and an opportunity to see the lawyer’s fee in advance, in writing
• Lawyer referrals available online
Three-out-of-four members get their legal issues handled without paying a penny!
Friday, July 20, 2007
696 YES
35 NO
19 TO 1
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Yes. In fact, most employees in the United States are at-will employees, even though most employees are unaware of this situation. In most states, the law presumes that private sector employees are employed "at-will." The employment-at-will doctrine provides that both the employer and the employee can end the employment relationship at any time without notice or reason. This means the employer has the right to terminate your employment at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all or for a bad reason, so long as the reason is not illegal - even if you performance has been outstanding. The other side of the "at-will" coin is that you, as an employee, can quit your job for any reason at any time. You cannot be forced to work for an employer. You don't have to give your employer a reason for quitting.
Friday, July 13, 2007

* Love offerings: In order to convince employees that they don't need a union, unionbusters may advise clients to provide indirect bribes, like unexpected increases in wages or benefits or ‘feel good’ measures like free food and lottery tickets.
* Divide & Conquer: The unionbuster creates opportunities and crafts persuasive messages to make employees feel that there is a tense division among staff concerning the union election. They may go so far as to pit one group of employees against each other, based on race or ethnicity.
* Supervisors as Frontline Soldiers: Supervisors, who themselves have no legally protected right to be represented by a union, are manipulated into delivering anti-union letters, speeches, and informal chats prepared by unionbusters, essentially doing the dirty work of the unionbusters and management.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My fellow FedEx brothers and sister. The teamsters do not want to strike. The brothers and sisters of the OCTA have chosen this because the companies offer is below par! They offer a 13% increase in 3 years. The cost of living averages 6% a year. Which puts them 5% - 6% behind what they have to offer. Oh by the way your raise this year at Fedex was around 2- 2.5 % that puts you 10.5 % behind! That’s why we need a union here! To have a voice in what you are worth to this company.
Also, there has not been a labor dispute at the OCTA in 21 years! The next time management has their little meeting, ask them if they are so confident in what they are telling you about the union. Why not bring in Union representatives and have a debate with our fine company representatives? I bet my 20 % of my VPEP the company is taking away from, Oh, I’m sorry! Holding for me for a year that they will say, No!
I know, I’ve ask management before. Now its your turn!
Go to a organizing meeting and get the facts. Why are they giving these meetings without anyone from the Fontana committee around? They don't want you to hear the other sides view!
P.S. The money the OCTA want to use to raise the hourly wage is being shifted from the already established pension and benefit plan.So where are the drivers getting ahead? You already know what its like to have stuff taking away from you Fedex employee. i.e. VPEP and revamped pension plan.At least the employee's at the OCTA can fight for what is right! You Fedex employee just have to take what Fedex gives you and if you don't like it,management points you towards the door!That's a shame after all we are the one's who make this company what it is.
Rudy Hernandez
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Sansooman said...
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
FedEx Corp. truck drivers would be able to join unions more easily under U.S. legislation being sought by United Parcel Service Inc. and organized labor groups.
The proposal may be added to a U.S. House bill to fund the Federal Aviation Administration,according to Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn,who opposes the idea. A House panel is set to vote Thursday on the FAA bill.
The plan would put FedEx's Express unit under the same law as UPS.
Funny that a Rep. from Tenn. would be against this bill.Since corporate offices are in Tenn. Doesn't matter what political party it is, when you have deep pockets!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
H.R.'s Solution To Desperate Measures...
during my lunch and I did speak with him. I asked him why he had not called back
and he said that he did not get my name spelled right and that he tried to
look it up in the computer and my name was not coming up. When I spoke
to him last He ask me to spell my name and to give him my phone number so he
could call me back, so I give him my cell number. Tom said that he talked to Russ and that
he said that a carrier called him to ask if he knew of anyone who was looking for
a supervisor position and Russ said to Tom that he gave the information to five people. I told
Tom that was not true I gave Russ my cell number so that person could call me. He did later that evening around 7pm.Tom said that was not what Russ had told him and that he was
going to call him back. I asked Tom if Russ had broken any company policies by getting
me a job with a competitor company? He said that Russ did everything by the
book .He started to read the handbook and said that it was ok to work for
another company. Tom said Russ did everything by the book. I said he did it on company
time and was soliciting and that is a conflict of interest. Tom said that I
was right he was wasting company time. I asked him, ok so what will happen now? Tom said that this is between Russ and management. Ok so are you
going to call me or do I need to call you. He said that he was
going to call me back. Therefore, Russ lied to Tom and Tom apparently is not going to do
anything at all.
Ray Mercado....
Seven Sophisticated Unionbuster Techniques
* One-on-One Meetings: During organizing drives, 78 percent of workers are forced to attend closed-door or isolated meetings with supervisors.5 These aren’t friendly impromptu chats, but well-planned meetings to decipher employees’ feelings about the union and persuade them against the union.
* Captive Audience Meetings: So-called ‘captive audience’ meetings are held for employees during work hours to disseminate propaganda against union representation and to attempt to discredit the union. Employees are almost always required to attend, but union organizers may be intentionally disinvited. Often, the meetings are rigged so that workers who are already against the union are assigned to ask questions to sow misinformation.
* Delay: Unionbusters often attempt to delay union representation elections by legal maneuvers so they have more time to implement other tactics needed to increase tension, dissension and the employer’s chance of winning the election.
* Divide & Conquer: The unionbuster creates opportunities and crafts persuasive messages to make employees feel that there is a tense division among staff concerning the union election. They may go so far as to pit one group of employees against each other, based on race or ethnicity.
* Letters, letters, letters: A unionbuster’s specialty is hammering out materials—be it cartoons, leaflets or management correspondence—to make the case against the union. 92 percent of companies involved in organizing drives mail anti-union materials to employees’ homes.6
* Love offerings: In order to convince employees that they don't need a union, unionbusters may advise clients to provide indirect bribes, like unexpected increases in wages or benefits or ‘feel good’ measures like free food and lottery tickets.
September 9, 2007 8:01 PM