The big question these days seems to be “are you going to Devore?”
And it seems that the only person right now that has an answer to this question is the current service center manager.
His bags are already packed and ready to go; while the estimated 300 employees are left unpacked without a clue. He knows what hours he has and what he is going to do. Do you?
Recently there were meetings held for the entire service center about the “changes that were to come in April and May. The only new “news” that we got out of it were the dates. Is it just me? Or did we all walk out of those meetings wondering how we are going to make the decision of staying in Fontana or going to Devore?
My question to management is this why all the secrecy? Does it really matter what choice we make? The fact of the matter is you have the last say in whatever choice we make. You already know who you want and don’t want at each center. Let’s be real here… there have always been “cliques” at Fontana . And certain jobs have been given to people because of who they know and not by their qualifications; this is clear by the way things are done.
This is why I believe a union is needed in both Fontana and now Devore. Clearly our questions would have had to been answered and we could have made a decision without all of the undue stress that is given to us now. And the unfair treatment by certain Operations managers would not be tolerated.
Our decision to stay or leave Fontana has to be made without any knowledge of what is in the future even though we may have families or other obligations and management does not seem to acknowledge this. We cannot make a haste decision like this with little information, but we are being forced to do so. We will now have to look over the job postings and do our bidding and then have to choose a service center in 10 days or less.
Are you going or staying?
Total Madness
I must agree with you. To make the right choice in a matter like this, management should let its employees know as much information on whats going on so you can make the right decisions not only for you but for you families. But by the it sounds, management doesn't care.
then there are the people like me...I haven't been to a drivers meeting in about 2 months. If I ask Anyone what is up, all I get is corporate jargon; or the line of "why weren't you at the meeting?" I will say something like I was doing something dispatch wants me to do... Communication between management and labor at any level at this terminal is nonexistent. My question to management is- why am I expected to make a decision about my worklife at this corporation with either no information or jargon...
With out a union your voice is not heard, with a recognized contract the language is understood. We are not a communist company to be kept in secrecy!
A work buddy system can be used to look out for each other in the cutthroat world of business. Without any friends in the workplace, you make yourself vulnerable by not having anyone that has your back. Once you find a work buddy, you can work on creating an effective buddy system.
Step 1:
Learn to trust each other. Trust is the most important feature of a work buddy relationship. Trust typically takes time to build and will grow as your friendship grows.
Step 2:
Make time to bond with your work buddy outside of the office. Your work buddy system is only going to get stronger by spending a lot of time with each other. Meet for drinks after work to discuss ways that you can look out for each other in the workplace.
Step 3:
Use a buddy system to check your work. A work buddy can act as a sounding board or proofreader on your work projects.
Step 4:
Reciprocate the favors and be supportive of the work buddy. A work buddy relationship is a two-way street. You need to lend your support and guidance to the person.
Step 5:
Expand your group. The more work buddies that you have, the stronger your system is going to be. For example, if management attempts to pass down an unfavorable policy, you can all band together to fight it.
Tips & Warnings
* There are events that you can organize that can help build your work buddy system. Look into an office retreat that utilizes team building skills.
* You must always be honest with your work buddies. Sugarcoating your opinions on their work can lead to problems.
see john H. nothing has changed since you came in to fta and nothing had changed since you left..
---buddy system----
thanks, john for doing thing......
So "irudedog" you start a topic about devore, sign it "total madness" then reply to your own topic 9 mins later after?
Hey big man who hides behind a computer monitor. I wish I can take credit for this one but its wasn't me mr. know it all! Because others like my know this is right thing to do and don't flip flop!
Rudy 12394
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