Fresno had a VP of Operations return today, who came back to apologize to the employees for his outburst, which he could not remember? , but had to comeback anyway?? He did not come empty handed though. He had an anti-union video about “Union Dues”. To the uninformed this could be “scary”. But to the ones who are well informed got a good laugh! Don’t believe the lies management will tell you Fresno employees! Apparently management has told these lies so often; they’re beginning to believe them!
We started this campaign two years ago and not once have any union rep. come up to my door or called me up to sign a card or ask for any union dues! No union dues are collected until a contract has been negotiated. Below is some information about union dues.
The Facts About Dues
1.4 million working men and women are dues paying members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
Dues provide the resources to stand up for good jobs and benefits, decent working conditions and a better future for our families.
That's why union members in private industry earn 38 percent more on average than than nonunion workers. They also receive 54 percent more in benefits.
None of this would be possible without the strength that comes from our Teamsters dues.
Management knows the power of Teamsters unity. That's why companies try to distract and deceive you with lies about union dues.
Let's look at the truth:
One key to getting along well with people is knowing when to say you're sorry. Sometimes little comments or actions can hurt or offend others. Heavy workloads and stress may keep us from seeing how our actions make others feel. The little things can add up. It doesn't take long for someone to hold a grudge and for grudges to grow into conflicts. In most cases, if someone is offended by something you do or say, it's much better to apologize right away. That solves the small problem and keeps it from getting bigger.
It's hard to apologize. Many of us are ashamed or have too much pride. Sometimes we just don't know how to do it. Here are some tips that may make it easier to say you're sorry.
* Take responsibility. The first step in apologizing is to admit to yourself that you have offended someone. You may know this right away, or the other person's reaction may let you know you have done something hurtful. But you must admit you have done wrong and accept responsibility for your actions.
* Explain. It's important to let the person you hurt know that you didn't mean to do harm. At the same time, you must show that you take your mistake seriously. Recognize that your actions caused a problem for the other person.
* Show your regret. The other person needs to see that you have suffered, too. Come right out and say you are sorry or ashamed. I felt bad the minute I told your secret. I'm ashamed of myself.
* Repair the damage. To be complete, an apology must correct the injury. If you damaged someone's property, offer to fix it. If the damage isn't so obvious, ask What can I do to make it up to you? There may be nothing concrete you can do, but the offer must be sincere. I'll try to keep my mouth shut in the future. Meantime, let me buy you a cup of coffee. Another way to repair the damage is to send a note or a small gift.
* Use good timing. Apologize right away for little things. For example, if you bump into someone, say you're sorry right away. Don't wait until the next day to apologize. However, if you have done something more serious, like insult a friend, your apology should be more thoughtful. A quick apology might seem phony. Take the time to sit down, look the person in the eye, and apologize honestly.
* It's not about who "won" or who "lost." It's about keeping a strong friendship.
How to Apologize in Business
To err is human. To apologize is divine. It is important to apologize the right way, especially in business matters. A business apology is somewhat different from a personal apology, but some of the same rules apply. No matter what the mistake, a proper apology can help to save your dignity and possibly your job.
How to Be a Good Manager
Being an effective manager is important for the success of any business. Managing employees is tricky, and there are many common mistakes that managers make that alienate and anger employees. Here are the steps you need to take to prevent that from happening.
Step 1:
Make sure you set realistic expectations for employees. Whether it's making sure that you allot enough time for projects or making sure your employees have proper training, make sure that you don't set impossible standards for those under you.
Step 2:
If you require that an employee get something done by a certain date, be prepared to pay them overtime if necessary. Limiting overtime and setting short deadlines is a surefire way to make your employees unhappy.
Step 3:
Trust your employees. If you don't trust your employees, you may want to consider hiring new people. If you can't trust any of them to be honest with you, are you giving them a reason not to be? Give them the opportunity to prove themselves.
Step 4:
Do not take sides if employees have a conflict. Moderate and help them resolve it. Do not provoke a confrontation between them, as it will probably just make them defensive, as well as making them resent themselves as well as you.
Step 5:
Give plenty of opportunities for employees to learn new skills and move up throughout the company. If an employee feels that there is no opportunity for advancement, they will likely be always on the lookout for a new job where there are more options.
Step 6:
Be as flexible as possible about such things as employee hours and telecommuting. If an employee can work from home and still be as productive as they are in the office, then that should be acceptable for at least part of their time. If an employee needs to take a day off because their child is sick, or they just need a day off, that should be perfectly acceptable, and that employee should not be made to feel guilty about taking a day off.
Step 7:
Try to spend as much time in the office as your employees do. Coming in 2 or 3 hours later than they do on a regular basis, as well as leaving early on a regular basis sets a bad example for your employees. Especially if your business isn't absolutely wildly successful, try to have at least as much face time in the office as your average employee.
I like to say the Teamsters have never pressured me into joining them, or being force to sign a union card, this is my choice.
I choose to join the Teamsters because it’s time for a “change to win” having a union gives me some leverage, a voice to speak freely without retaliation, and to give me the Rights to dispute and file a grievance for wrongful accusation or for wrongful termination, and having no union gives you no Rights, their words against yours.
Being a member of the Teamsters gives me Rights, and being a non-union company worker makes me a member of the “At Will Employee”
So I don’t mind paying for union dues, 2 1\2 hrs per month give me legal representation, real Lawyers, a well negotiated pension fund per hour, medical benefit per hour, and a contract too.
Human Resource to the company is like a union representative for the company, Management haves more Rights, remember who pays H.R, the company does, Human Resource is paid to protect the company and their legal Rights.does it Sound like union dues!!!!
It doesn't suprise me that Fresno employees are getting harassed by the management. Here in southern California we are being harassed too. Constant dirty looks from management (especially operations managers)following employees into the bathroom, verbal abuse from supervisors, service center managers such as Russ and Andy trying to force a political agenda. The Union is happening slowly but surely and Fedex managers know one thing: Fedex Teamsters are here to stay!!!
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