Sbr won 66 YES -42 NO

CFTW has heard that our So Cal District Manager has been riding along with line haul drivers asking what can FedEx do for them to stop us drivers from seeking representation from the Teamsters!
He's asking drivers to call Arkansas as a collective with our issues so they can fix them, which we all know is just a band aid to issues they will never fix.
Just another form of "divide and conquer"
Don't be fooled by these tactics!
Bring the Teamsters to Fed Ex Freight 5 minutes ago ·
Folks, we missed it. We were short by just a few votes. We will learn from this on what was only our first attempt to 'Bring the Teamsters to FedEx Freight'. Do not despair for we have many more opportunities to make a stand. We will learn how to improve on the impressive efforts our brothers and sisters showed us during their campaign in CIN. Knowledge and wisdom is gained by experience and experience is learned best by our failures. The EPH election is this Tuesday the 14th. We challenge all of you to double your show of support for a victorious outcome in East Philly!
Hey Mr Z, you mentioned at your anti union meeting in San Bernardino that some union ltl companies pensions are no more than a $1000.00 a month. Here is my pension at FedEx after 27 years. $123.43FedEx and $648.59Viking with no medical benefits!
I'll take that $1000.00 plus medical.
Give me a card!
Bring the Teamsters to Fed Ex Freight
7 minutes ago ·
We are proud to announce that a tenth terminal has petitioned for election today! Welcome Nashville (NAS) in joining your fellow brothers and sisters in our fight to 'Bring the Teamsters to FedEx Freight'. NAS is not just the tenth terminal to petition but is the fifth hub which includes 172 fellow drivers. Stay tuned folks. There are many more terminals with active campaigns that will be petitioning soon. Will it be yours?