Thursday, January 15, 2015

FedEx Blocks PKB & CRW Elections

1 comment:

irudedog said...

Bring the Teamsters to Fed Ex Freight
12 mins ·
FedEx will lie to you again and again. Here is another FedEx lie
FedEx will tell you that the Teamsters can’t guarantee you anything. This is not true. Once you vote YES and win your election and your vote is certified by the NLRB, you will become a full fledged Teamster member. And as a Teamster member this means that you are guaranteed to belong to the strongest and most democratic labor union in the world. The Teamsters Union has been a leader in setting the standard for higher wages, better benefits and improved working conditions for workers throughout the United States and Canada. The Teamsters Union is strong because of the participation of its 1.4 million brothers and sisters who stand united. Being a teamster member you are guaranteed Weingarten Rights. Weingarten Rights, guarantee you the right to Union representation during an investigatory interview. You are guaranteed union representation even though you have not yet voted on a contract. You are guaranteed not to pay one red cent in dues until you have voted for a contract. You are guaranteed that your dues are tax deductable. You are guaranteed a voice on the job. You are guaranteed to vote on what you want in your contract. You are guaranteed that FedEx cannot change any polices unless agreed by your union. Now I ask you; what has FedEx guaranteed you??