A Union Buster Strikes Out
The victory came despite the efforts of Joseph Brock, a former Teamster turned anti-union consultant parachuted in by Toll to discourage workers from organizing. Union busters have become a standard feature of contemporary union organizing, trading on intimidation, false promises and even illegal firings.
Brock’s message was a well-worn one – unions are like businesses, they are only looking for dues, they ignore or misrepresent their members and so on. But he wasn’t a slick attorney in a suit or a browbeating manager. The fact that he’d been a union official for over a decade and came from a die-hard union family was supposed to carry weight with Toll drivers.
It didn’t. Maybe some of the drivers were turned off by the fact that Brock was using his past to help employers break organizing campaigns and bust unions. Or perhaps he lost credibility when the drivers found out that his work as an anti-union crusader was not stopping him from receiving a pension from his time as a union member and another from his tenure as a union official. During one captive-audience meeting in which Toll employees learned of Brock’s multiple union pensions, a driver told Brock that Toll drivers would rather have the chance to be anti-union with a pension than anti-union without one.

Brock, meanwhile, has probably moved on, not thinking a second more about Toll drivers and looking for suckers willing to pay big money for stock stump speeches and corny videos.
Francisco Cendejas
The Frying Pan
The Frying Pan
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