Attention Future brothers and sisters of Stockton...
Brothers and Sisters of Stockton FedEx, ask the management of stockton or the guest managers of various service centers of the nation to allow us members of the Teamsters (the employees) to challenge, debate and rebuttal in your employees meeting.
Not the Teamsters staff yet, but actual employees of Safeway's, Raley's, ABF, UPS and especially YRC employees!
Because FedEx management always use YRC as an example, let those employees of YRC speak up for themselves, allowed them to disclose that the Teamsters saved their jobs!
Tell FedEx management this is a campaign, be civilized human, why are they afraid to challenge with employees of the Teamsters, we can tell you the truth as proud members of the greatest Union in the World.
Or just tell FedEx management allow a Teamsters Staff to be present so he can challenge the misinformation giving to you by management, tell them not to be cowards! Man up!!!!
Sincerely Joe Nuño 

Stockton, ask yourself why Michael L. Ducker(FedEx Freight CEO) hired outside;3rd party company to advise him on drivers wages in all regions? This is why we need to bring our own 3rd party to advise US on our wages!!! Good Luck
Keep up the Great work all of you in Stockton. We in the SoCal region are all grateful for what you're doing. Thx
Hey,i see our boss made the list of billionare's that's great
I've got to say one thing, that M L, R F and J H and the rest of the militia crew are breaking the laws.
You guys S.P.I.T
You're spying, giving false promises, interrogating and intimidating employees by groups of management and last threatening with your security staff...
Stockton employees Don't let this corporate thugs with purple mouth scare you!
FedEx Teamster's now have a united voice to let the company know they have the best work force in the world and just expect to be treated and paid fairly. No more No less
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